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Friday, May 16, 2008

XML Web Designing Recent Interview Questions


  1. Explain the concept of data island?

  2. How to use XML DOM model on client side using JavaScript.

  3. What are the ways to create a tree view control using XML, XSL & JavaScript?

  4. Questions on XPathNavigator, and the other classes in System.XML Namespace?

  5. What is Use of Template in XSL?

  6. What is ?Well Formed XML? and ?Valid XML?

  7. How you will do SubString in XSL

  8. Can we do sorting in XSL ? how do you deal sorting columns dynamically in XML.

  9. What is ?Async? property of XML Means ?

  10. What is XPath Query ?

  11. Difference Between Element and Node.

  12. What is CDATA Section.

  13. DOM & SAX parsers explanation and difference

  14. What is GetElementbyname method will do?

  15. What is selectnode method will give?

  16. What is valid xml document? What a well formed xml document?

  17. What is the Difference between XmlDocument and XmlDataDocument?

  18. Explain what a DiffGram is, and a good use for one?
    A DiffGram is an XML format that is used to identify current and original versions of data elements. When sending and retrieving a DataSet from an XML Web service, the DiffGram format is implicitly used.
    The DataSet uses the DiffGram format to load and persist its contents, and to serialize its contents for transport across a network connection. When a DataSet is written as a DiffGram, it populates the DiffGram with all the necessary information to accurately recreate the contents, though not the schema, of the DataSet, including column values from both the Original and Current row versions, row error information, and row order.

    DiffGram Format
    The DiffGram format is divided into three sections: the current data, the original (or "before") data, and an errors section, as shown in the following example.



    The DiffGram format consists of the following blocks of data:


    The name of this element, DataInstance, is used for explanation purposes in this documentation. A DataInstance element represents a DataSet or a row of a DataTable. Instead of DataInstance, the element would contain the name of the DataSet or DataTable. This block of the DiffGram format contains the current data, whether it has been modified or not. An element, or row, that has been modified is identified with the diffgr:hasChanges annotation.

    This block of the DiffGram format contains the original version of a row. Elements in this block are matched to elements in the DataInstance block using the diffgr:id annotation.

    This block of the DiffGram format contains error information for a particular row in the DataInstance block. Elements in this block are matched to elements in the DataInstance block using the diffgr:id annotation.

  19. If I replace my Sqlserver with XML files and how about handling the same?

  20. Write syntax to serialize class using XML Serializer?

See our Web Designing Interview Questions and other solutions for aspiring candidates for a web designing job. These xml, javascript, dhtml, html, web designing, graphics interview questions were asked by some leading internet, graphics and web designing studios and companies. Keep watching for more 2007, 2008 stuff for web designers. Or Mail me for any help! Good Luck for your exam..

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