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Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Here are some tips on making programming student problems easier.
Start from an existing, running, program. If you can find a program that's vaguely similar in it's interface, even it it solves a completely different problem, it's much easier to start with that and modify it. These notes have a number of example programs that make good starting points.

The problem you might have is the number of basic structures that you haven't mastered yet (eg, the different between applets and applications, different object structures, ...). These will be big barriers when you are beginning.
Make incremental changes. This is one of the basic elements of Extreme Programming (a much hyped, but good Software Development Lifecycle methodology). Make a small change (a few lines), then compile and run the program.
Learn your editor or IDE well. You will spend most of your time with the editor -- learn it really well and you will be rewarded. Eg, to get it to indent your code, match braces, ... .
Indent your code. Good indentation is amazingly useful.
Copyleft 2003 Fred Swartz MIT License, Last update: 2002-12-15

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